Course curriculum

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    Get Started Here!

    • Schedule a Coaching Call

    • PROSPECT eBook

    • PROSPECT Script Book

    • PROSPECT Audiobook

    • Stay Connected via our REAL ESTATE AGENT ROUND TABLE Facebook Group

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    Module 1: The Only Prospecting Plan You'll Ever Need

    • Module 1: The only prospecting plan you'll ever need

    • Prospecting Principles

    • Sample Proposed Work Schedule

    • Proposed Work Schedule (Fillable)

    • Graphic: The Big 3 of Prospecting Success

    • Graphic: Meeting of the Minds

    • Graphic: Organized Sales Process Flowchart

    • Graphic: Ready? Willing? Able?

    • Graphic: 6 Things "No" Means

    • Graphic: 10 Habits to Improve Positive Energy

    • Quiz: Attitudinal Energy Levels

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    Module 2: Making Presentations With Scripts

    • Module 2: Making presentations with scripts

    • Prospecting Scripts

    • Script: Asking for Referrals

    • Script: Expired Listings - Phone & Voicemail

    • Script: Expired Listings - Objection Handlers

    • Script: FSBOs - 3 Questions

    • Script: Circle Prospecting - Just Listed

    • Script: Circle Prospecting - Just Sold

    • Script: Objection Handlers

    • Notice of Default Prospecting Script

    • Seller Questionnaire & Lead Form (Fillable)

    • Buyer Questionnaire & Lead Sheet (Fillable)

    • Graphic: Organized Sales Process Flowchart

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    Module 3: Your Sphere of Influence

    • Module 3: Your sphere of influence

    • Prospecting for SOI

    • Who Do You Know?

    • Follow-Up Script Pattern

    • The Rule of 7 Touches

    • SOI Contact Schedule (Fillable)

    • Script: Asking Existing Clients for Referrals

    • Script: We Need Listings in a Hot Market

    • Script: Update Database

    • Script: Update Database & Ask for Referral

    • Script: Past Client Follow-Up

    • Script: Contacting Neglected Past Clients

    • Script: Neighborhood Auto Email Drip

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    Module 4: Expired Listings

    • Module 4: Expired listings

    • Prospecting for Expired & Cancelled Listings

    • Expired Listing Call Log (Fillable)

    • Daily Contact Log (Fillable)

    • Objection Handling & Validation

    • Sample Weekly Calendar

    • Graphic: Organized Sales Process Flowchart

    • Script: Pre-Qualification

    • Script: Expired Listings - Phone & Voicemail

    • Script: Expired Listings 1

    • Script: Expired Listings 2

    • Script: Expired Listings - Objection Handlers

    • Expired Follow-Up Plan

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    Module 5: Prospecting Through Open Houses

    • Module 5: Prospecting through open houses

    • Prospecting for Open Houses

    • Next-Level Contact Plan

    • Open House Prospecting Activities

    • Open House Feedback Form (Printable)

    • Positive Need Affirmation Sandwich (Fillable)

    • Script: Buyer MLS Listing Alert

    • Script: Seller Lead Auto Email Drip

    • Script: Open House Neighbor Invitation

    • Script: Open House Pre-Listing Appointment

    • Script: Open House Circle Prospecting

    • Script: Scheduling an Open House

    • Script: Open House Guest List

    • Script: Follow-Up for Neighbors/Leads

    • Graphic: Open House Timeline

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    Module 6: Property Previews

    • Module 6: Property previews

    • Prospecting By Previewing

    • Graphic: 4-Step Property Preview Strategy

    • Sample Property Preview Checklist

    • Door-Knocking Note Log (Fillable)

    • Lead-Tracking Sheet (Fillable)

    • Script: Property Preview - Door-Knocking

    • Script: Turnover Rate

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    Module 7: Time Management

    • Module 7: Time management

    • Prospecting Planning

    • Goal & Milestone Exercise (Fillable)

    • Goal & Milestone Tracker (Fillable)

    • Daily SOI Contact Form (Fillable)

    • 4-Week Schedule (Printable)

    • End-of-Week Debrief (Fillable)

    • One Day, 20 Contacts (Fillable)

    • Ways to Make Habits Stick

    • Lead-Tracking Sheet (Printable)

    • Personalized Schedule (Printable)

    • Prospecting Accountability Chart (Printable)

    • Sample ICC Year-to-Date Check-Up Form

    • Graphic: The Eisenhower Decision Matrix

    • Sample Weekly Calendar

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    Module 8: Securing the FSBO Listing

    • Module 8: Securing the FSBO listing

    • Prospecting for FSBOs

    • FSBO Contact Sheet

    • Script: 3 FSBO Questions

    • Script: FSBO Phone Questions

    • Script: FSBO Prospecting

    • Script: Increased Net Profit

    • Script: The Rolex Analogy

    • FSBO Seller Guide Template

    • FSBO Infographic - For Sale By Owner Social Media Graphic

    • FSBO Infographic - For Sale By Owner Social Media Graphic - JPG version

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    Module 9: Circle Prospecting

    • Module 9: Circle prospecting

    • Prospecting by Radius

    • Daily SOI Contact Form (Fillable)

    • Script: Circle Prospecting - Just Listed

    • Script: Circle Prospecting - Just Sold

    • Script: Circle Prospecting - Hot Real Estate Market

    • Script: Circle Prospecting - Open House

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    Module 10: Your Prospecting Arena

    • Module 10: Your prospecting arena

    • Prospecting Arena (or Area)

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    Module 11: Mindset

    • Module 11: Mindset

    • Prospecting with a Positive Perspective

    • Graphic: SWOT

    • Graphic: The Gandhi Circle

    • SWOT Companion Worksheet (Fillable)

    • SMART Action Plan (Fillable)

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    Module 12: The Art of Closing

    • Module 12: The art of closing

    • Prospecting & Closing

    • Graphic: Organized Sales Process Flowchart

    • Graphic: Always Be Closing

    • Script: Exclusive Buyer Agency Agreement

    • Script: MLS Conversion

    • Script: Lender Appointment

    • Which closer are you?

    • Closing Scenarios Worksheet (Fillable)

    • Closing Style Gallery

    • Clarify, Qualify, Close

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    Module 13: Tracking Truth in Numbers

    • Module 13: Tracking truth in numbers

    • Prospecting Tracking Tools

    • Daily SOI Contact Form (Printable)

    • One Day, 20 Contacts (Printable)

    • Lead Tracking Sheet (Printable)

    • Buyer Questionnaire & Lead Form (Printable)

    • Seller Questionnaire & Lead Form (Printable)

    • Sample Buyer Inventory

    • Sample Listing Inventory

    • Sample Pending Inventory Pipeline

    • WIG: Wildly Important Goals (Fillable)

    • Production Ratio Planner (Fillable)

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    Module 14: Holding Yourself Accountable

    • Module 14: Holding yourself accountable

    • Prospecting Accountability for Productivity

    • Graphic: 12 Characteristics of Accountability

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    Module 15: Next-Level Commitment

    • Module 15: Next-level commitment

    • Prospecting at the Next Level

    • Skillset Ranking Assessment (Fillable)

    • Systems Process Procedure (Fillable)

    • Pulled Planning - Goal-Setting (Fillable)